
【材化讲坛】2024年第二十七讲:Cellulose derivatives: Fundamentals and Applications-欢迎来到公海,欢迎来到赌船!


【材化讲坛】2024年第二十七讲:Cellulose derivatives: Fundamentals and Applications

来源: 时间:2024-12-04 作者:

材化讲坛】2024年二十七Cellulose derivatives: Fundamentals and Applications

报告题目:Cellulose derivatives: Fundamentals and Applications(纤维素衍生物:基础与应用)

报 告 人:Hiroshi Kamitakahara (上高原浩)






Hiroshi Kamitakahara,化学博士,教授,日本京都大学生物质复合材料化学研究室负责人,美国化学协会委员。目前任职于京都大学,长期从事纤维素及其衍生物基材料的化学合成研究。主持多项日本国家自然科学基金,多次担任公司及当地政府特邀咨询专家。担任Carbohydrate polymers等多本国际学术期刊副主编。在JACS、Angew. Chem. Int、Macromolecules等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文120余篇。获日本第十四届青年科学家井上研究奖、日本纤维素学会贡献奖。





Cellulose derivatives: Fundamentals and Applications

Hiroshi Kamitakahara

Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

In my talk, I will first cover basic wood and cellulose chemistry. The various tissues of wood and bark are composed of complex organic matter. Usually divided into cell wall substances and non cell wall substances. Cell wall material is the basic substance that makes up wood and bark, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, all of which are high molecular weight compounds. There are many types and low contents of non cell wall substances, which vary greatly depending on the tree species and location of their presence. They are basically low molecular weight compounds that can dissolve in water or neutral organic solvents, collectively known as extracts. The distribution of various chemical components in various tissues of wood and bark is uneven. There is an organic connection between them. Therefore, the chemical properties of wood depend not only on the relative content of various chemical components in its tissue, but also on the distribution and interrelationships of each component.

Next, I will discuss my recent research results including structure - property - performance relationships of cellulosic block copolymers and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass via etherification.

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