
【园林讲坛】121讲:Climate smart and biochar-based innovative technologies for high value crop futures-欢迎来到公海,欢迎来到赌船!


【园林讲坛】121讲:Climate smart and biochar-based innovative technologies for high value crop futures

来源: 时间:2024-12-18 作者:

题  目:Climate smart and biochar-based innovative technologies for high value crop futures

主讲人:Xu, Zhihong, Professor

时  间:12月20日15:00-17:00

地  点:园林楼430会议室

Qualifications: BSc (1982), MSc (1984, Chinese Academy of Sciences), PhD (1991, Griffith)

Current Appointment: Professor of Soil-Plant-Climate Systems (SPCS), Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, and School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

Previously Professor and Director – Centre for Forestry and Horticultural Research (2004-2008) and Director – Environmental Futures Research Institute (2009-2020), Griffith University.

Relevant Research Expertise and Experience

I have published 424 refereed journal and conference papers (including 362 journal papers) and 2 books, with 146 refereed papers (including 145 journal papers) in the past 5 years. In the past 33 years since completion of my PhD project in January 1991, I have undertaken research projects extensively in: (a) biogeochemical processes of carbon (C) and nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems from agricultural, agroforestry and forest ecosystems in Australia, China, Europe and USA; (b) development and application of innovative stable isotope, biomolecular and physiological techniques for assessing both genetic and environmental controls of plant water and nutrient use efficiency; (c) soil fertility and plant nutrition; (d) development and application of advanced stable isotope, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and biomolecular techniques for studying biogeochemical processes of C and nutrient cycling which underpin ecosystem productivity and sustainability; (e) environmental management and food security; and (f) innovative tree ring technologies for unravelling long-term and complex impacts of climate change and local management/historical episodes on biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem productivity and sustainability.

I have secured more than $24M of external funding support, with most coming from national competitive grants (including 10 Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grants, 4 ARC LIEF grants and 3 ARC Discovery grants). I am currently co-supervisor of 3 postdoctoral and research fellows, two research assistants, 5 PhD students and one MPh student, and 4 visiting scientists, with 25 postdoctoral research fellows, 44 PhD and 4 M. Phil / M.Sc. students, 25 visiting scientists and 6 honours students successfully completing their projects under my co-supervision.

I was a member of the ARC College of Experts (2008-2010) and of the ARC Research Evaluation Committee for the 2012 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA 2012). Since 2006, I have served as the Chair for the Forest Soils Working Group of International Union of Soil Science. I am currently the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Soils and Sediments (SCI IF 2023: 2.8), Editor of Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. (SCI IF 2022: 5.8), Associate Editor of Environ. Geochem. Health. (2014-2024) (SCI IF 2023: 3.2), and a member of Pedosphere (2023 IF: 5.2) Editorial Board. I regularly review manuscripts for more than 92 international journals, including the leading international journals for environmental (e.g. Global Change Biol. & Environ. Sci. Technol.), forestry (e.g. Tree Physiol. & For. Ecol. Manage.), soil sciences (e.g. Soil Biol. Biochem. & Plant and Soil) and multidisciplinary (e.g. Nature).

I have been appointed as the Overseas Correspondence Assessor for Selection of the prestigious Outstanding Professorships – “Changjiang Scholars Program” with Chinese Leading Universities under the China Ministry of Education (2005-), and an Overseas Assessor for the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (2004-). I am also a regular assessor of research grant applications from leading international funding bodies (e.g. National Science Foundation of USA, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada Foundation for Innovation, and the International Science Foundation in Sweden). I have been appointed as Adjunct Professor in the CAS research institutes and leading universities in China; and have undertaken a series of high-quality international research projects with leading scientists in Canada, China, Europe and USA.

Citation Statistics (Web of Science: 09/11/2024): H-index – 61; total citations: 12219 (>8000 for papers published since I joined Griffith as a professor in 2004).

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